Top change-maker story:
PARIS – Théo

I have been committed to the European Union since I was 17. My engagement with the European project stems from my personal convictions and my faith in democratic values

Promoting the European way of life, defending democracy, fighting discrimination and working with young Europeans all around the EU are the reasons why I joined in 2020.
The diversity within our community is a true treasure, because despite our different backgrounds, we share the same convictions.

Out of all my work for the European project, stands out as my favourite. Here, we get the opportunity to organise events at the European Parliament Liaison Office (EPLO) in Paris and to participate in European Parliament events in Brussels and Strasbourg.
I have fond memories of my activities at the European Parliament with and I encourage all interested young people to join us.

I am very enthusiastic when thinking about the numerous projects we are going to undertake at the EPLO in Paris. I want to organise a debate between all the European political groups that are running for this election in France and to present our singular European political history to young people.
I think we will manage and I am truly optimistic about the future and about our goal to remind people to vote in the upcoming European elections in 2024. #UseYourVote.